PAWANSUT specially designed continuous return air filteration system (CRAFS) based on the principle of rotary drum filteration, designed at a very low velocity of air, CRAFS ensures consistent and uninterrupted air suction from the production departments, allowing uniform distribution of conditional supply of air in the work areas for the maintaining desired atmospheric conditions accurately.

The suction blower designed for 350 mm static pressure also ensures elimination of human effort in totality and helps maintaining the production area contamination free over and monitoring the number of air changes as desired. A variety of filter media is selected for varying application & fitted on galvanized perforated rotating drum of ample free area to catch maximum fluff and dust from the air. Rotating action keeps the media clean and maintains uniforms air blow. Flub dust so deposited on the filler is sucked off by sliding nozzle connected to a powerful suction blower, which then collects into nylon bags. Clean air is passed on for either reticulation of exhaust.

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